Heritage Landscapes expertise helps clients and communities renew and sustain meaningful places founded on their diverse values and heritage. With over three decades of experience, we fully appreciate the unique interconnections that develop between people and landscape and which lead to evolving needs and opportunities. We leverage this cultural foundation to refine and deploy tailored perspectives, strategies and skillsets that shape effective and lasting research, design, and implementation solutions.

The Heritage Landscapes team holds national and state certifications through ASLA, CLARB, and AICP and meets Federal Professional Qualifications for landscape architecture, historic landscape architecture, historic preservation, and land use/community planning. We have advanced training and experience in supporting fields including environmental psychology, cultural anthropology, archaeology, and horticulture.

Across Heritage Landscapes portfolio of more than 600 projects we have operated in environments from coastline to mountain, desert to rainforest, and cabin to metropolis.
See our complete Project List.

Geography of Heritage Landscapes project work (green) and professional volunteer activities (light green)

Working with community stakeholders, projects reveal and broaden the values of place, by uncovering lost narratives, and bringing forward untold stories to add depths of diversity and meaning. Works range from regional heritage assets to specific properties: civic commons; places of memory; legacy neighborhoods and streetscapes; academic and instuitional campuses, Modern landscapes, historic sites, museums, historic estates, battlefields, cemeteries, botanical gardens, arboreta, park systems, parkways, and World Heritage sites. Among Heritage Landscapes’ project credits, we are honored to have uplifted: 55 public designed landscape projects of the Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. firm; some 30 National Parks; over 60 National Historic Landmarks; and 8 World Heritage inscribed or tentative listed sites.

We serve heritage place stewards around the globe from local non-profit organizations to municipal governments and federal agencies with a range of heritage-based landscape architecture and planning services that span all phases of a project cycle. Customized for each project, examples of our services and products include the following:

Historic Preservation

Archival Research
Cultural Landscape Assessment & Inventory
Cultural Landscape Report & Treatment Plan
Determination of Eligibility
Expert Testimony
Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS)
Historic Landmark Amendments and Assistance
Intangible Heritage Asset Analysis
National Register Nomination
NEPA Environmental Assessment Cultural Aspects
NHPA Section 106 and Section 110 Compliance
Secretary of the Interior Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
State Historic Preservation Office Coordination

Landscape Architecture & Site Design

ADA/ABA Access Analysis and Design
AE Bridging Documents for Contracts
Approvals and Permitting Assistance
Conceptual Renderings
Construction Administration
Construction Documents and Specifications
Contemporary Design in Historic Settings
Design Alternatives
Design Development Documents
Fountains and Water Feature Design
Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Services
Interpretation & Wayfinding Design
Landscape Lighting Design
Multiuse Trail Design
On-Call Services
Schematic Design Documents
Value Analysis

Land Planning & Urban Design

Campus Planning
Contextual Analysis
Cultural Landscape Master Planning
Design Guidelines
Environmental Perception Studies
Facilities Strategic Planning
Heritage-based Consensus Building
Heritage-based Economic Development Planning
Interpretive Planning
Public & Stakeholder Engagement
Public Facilitation and Visioning
Security & Protective Planning
Site Master Planning
Visitor Use Master Planning
Visual Impact Analysis

International Heritage

Biosphere Reserve Nomination
Diplomatic Facility Grounds Design & Studies
Global Conference Organizing
World Heritage Evaluation & Upstream Assistance
World Heritage Nomination & Tentative List

Sustainability & Resiliency

Best Management Practices
Cultural Landscape Climate Change Studies
Environmental Adaption Strategies for Heritage
Green Roof Design
Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design
Landscape Maintenance Calendars & Schedules
Landscape Management Planning
Low-Impact Design
Permaculture & Fire Management Planning
Post-Disaster Landscape Recovery Assistance
Protected Area Buffer Zone Studies
Protected Area Planning
Riverine & Coastal Heritage Studies