Heritage Landscapes project credits include over 600 preservation efforts. Clients praise the project work and its ability to advance their place and organization. Over 100 professional awards, at local, state, national and international level recognize these successful works. Recognition of Heritage Landscapes undertakings has been bestowed by the National Trust; Docomomo; American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA); ASLA state chapters in Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont; Connecticut and Vermont Public Spaces Program; Pennsylvania and Virginia Historic Preservation societies; Preservation League of New York State; Pittsburgh History and Landmarks; Midwest Construction; and Garden Clubs of America.


  • Award of Excellence in Design and Construction, Meridian Hill Park Lower Plaza Renewal and Access, Mills+Schnoering Architects, Heritage Landscapes Landscape Architects, Consigli Construction, for National Park Service Capital Region, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Merit Award in Planning and Analysis, Clayton Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, NY, for NCMA, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards 

  • Merit Award in Planning and Analysis, Wethersfield Cultural Landscape Master Plan, Amenia, NY, for Wethersfield Estate & Garden, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • DC Preservation League Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation, Meridian Hill Park/Malcom X Park Rehabilitation of Lower Plaza, Mills+Schnoering Architects, Heritage Landscapes Landscape Architects, Consigli Construction, for National Park Service Capital Region


  • Honor Award for Landscape Planning, Magnolia Plantation Cultural Landscape Report with Treatment Plan and Schematic Design, Natchitoches Parish, LA, for Cane River Creole National Historical Park, National Park Service, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Award

  • Honor Award for Research, Yale Campus Beatrix Farrand Cultural Landscape Study, New Haven, CT, for Yale University Office of Facilities, Connecticut Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • Award of Excellence in Design and Construction, Jackson Park Habitat and History Integration for Community Asset Renewal, Chicago, IL, collaboration with Army Corps Chicago, for Chicago Park District and Project 120 Chicago, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Award of Excellence in Planning and Analysis, Planting Fields Cultural Landscape Report, Oyster Bay, NY, for Planting Fields Foundation, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Honor Award for Design and Construction, Niagara Falls Riverway, Niagara Falls State Park, NY, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Honor Award for Planning and Analysis, Yale Campus Farrand Cultural Landscapes Study, New Haven CT, for Yale University, Office of Facilities, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • Honor Award, American Society of Landscape Architects, Designing, Implementing and Managing Improvements to the National Mall, HOK team leader, Heritage Landscapes, Preservation Landscape Architects with large interdisciplinary team


  • Firm Award American Society of Landscape Architects, to Heritage Landscapes LLC for 32 years of outstanding professional work and professional volunteer outreach nationally and globally

  • Charter Award for Parks at Walter Reed, Congress for New Urbanism, Torti Gallas Team, with EHT Traceries, Oehme Van Sweden, for Hines and Urban Atlantic

  • Public Art and Landscape Award, Niagara Falls Riverway, Preservation Buffalo Niagara Awards

  • Merit Award for Landscape Planning and Analysis, Planting Fields Cultural Landscape Report, Oyster Bay, Long Island, NY, for the Planting Fields Foundation, Connecticut Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • Honor Award for Design Mellon Square Restoration and New Design, Pittsburgh PA, for PPC, Connecticut Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Merit Award for Planning and Analysis, Bloedel Reserve Heritage Landscape Report and Component Landscapes Character-Defining Features Report, Connecticut Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Honor Award for Planning and Analysis, Bloedel Reserve Heritage Landscape Report and Component Landscapes Character-Defining Features Report, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Honor Award for Communication, Thomas Jefferson’s Academical Village, University of Virginia, Historic American Landscape Survey, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Merit Award for Communication, “Tudor Place Landscape” illustrated chapter in Tudor Place America Lives Here, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • Honor Award, Stone Valley Bikeway, Towns of Hubbardton, Castleton, Poultney, Wells, Rupert, Dorset and Manchester, Vermont, Broadreach Planning and Design, team lead, Vermont Public Places Awards

  • Merit Award, Memorial Park Master Plan, Town of Stowe Vermont, Broadreach Planning and Design, team lead, Vermont Public Places Awards

  • Merit Award for Design, North Overlook Iroquois Park, Louisville, Tetra Tech, team lead, Metro Parks and Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy, Kentucky Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • 2016 Civic/Institutional Design Award of Excellence, Mellon Square Restoration and New Design, Heritage Landscapes, team lead, large, interdisciplinary team, for Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Pittsburgh, Docomomo US Modernism in America


  • President’s Award of Landmark, Vizcaya Cultural Landscape Report, for Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami-Dade County, Florida Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Presidents’ Award of Excellence in Design, Mellon Square Restoration and New Design, Heritage Landscapes, interdisciplinary team leader, for Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Vermont Chapter ASLA Awards

  • Mellon Square, Construction Award for Public & Institutional Properties, interdisciplinary team leader, for Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, 2015 Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Awards,

  • Mellon Square, Initiative Award for Communications, for interpretation, interdisciplinary team leader, for Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, 2015 Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Awards,

  • Presidents’ Award of Excellence in Planning, Jefferson’s Academical Village Cultural Landscape Report, leader with Rivanna Archaeological Services, for University of Virginia, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Merit Award in Design, Kahn Bath House, Day Camp & Community Green restoration and new construction, Mills + Schnoering Architects team lead with Heritage Landscapes, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Merit Award in Planning, Manitoga Historic Landscape Report, for Russell Wright Design Center, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards

  • Merit Award in Planning, Woodstock Festival Site Cultural Landscape Report, for Bethel Woods Arts Center and Museum, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • Placemaking Award of Excellence in Visual Place, Mellon Square, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Heritage Landscapes, design team lead, Urban Land Institute Awards Program
  • Design Award, Kahn Bath House, Day Camp restoration, Community Green new construction, Mills + Schnoering Architects team lead, Heritage Landscapes, Preservation Landscape Architects, docomomo US Modernism in America Awards


  • Honor Award for Planning, Capitol Square Cultural Landscape Report, for Architect of the Capitol, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award for Design, Formosa, Elisabet Ney Museum Phase I Landscape Restoration and ADA Access, for Elisabet Ney Museum, TX, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award for Planning, The Cummer Museum Cultural Landscape Report & Management Plan, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award for Planning, Joseph Smith Birthplace Cultural Landscape Report, Landscape Management Plan & Historic Sites Reference Guide, LDS Church Historic Sites, Vermont Public Space Awards


  • Preservation Honor Award, Shelburne Farms Formal Gardens Restoration, Preservation Trust of Vermont, Heritage Landscapes with Doug Porter and Birgit Deeds for Shelburne Farms
  • National Mall Competition, Constitution Gardens winning team, Peter Walker & Partners Landscape Architects & Rogers Marvel Architects co-team lead, Heritage Landscapes, Preservation Landscape Architect, Trust for the National Mall and NPS National Mall and Memorial Parks
  • Honor Award, Vizcaya Cultural Landscape Report, Stewardship & Management Plan, lead Heritage Landscapes, with Falcon + Bueno for Florida ecology, Florida Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • National Trust Honor Award, Kahn Bath House & Day Camp Restoration, Mills + Schnoering Architects team lead, Heritage Landscapes, Project Landscape Architect, National Trust for Historic Preservation
  • Award of Excellence, National Mall & Union Square Mapping, for NPS National Mall & Memorial Parks & Denver Service Center for Louis Berger Inc., Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Joseph Smith Birthplace Cultural Landscape Report, Landscape Management Plan and Historic Sites Reference Guide for Landscape, for LDS Church Historic Sites, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Honor Award, Longwood Evolution, Cultural Landscape History for Longwood Gardens and Lord Cultural Resources, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Vizcaya Cultural Landscape Report, Stewardship & Management Plan, lead Heritage Landscapes, with Falcon + Bueno for Florida ecology, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • New Jersey Historic Preservation Award, Kahn Bath House & Day Camp Pavilions, Mills + Schnoering Architects team lead, Heritage Landscapes, Project Landscape Architect


  • US/ICOMOS Award for International Excellence, Hemingway Property Havana Cuba, Finca Vigia Foundation and National Trust for Historic Preservation, Heritage Landscapes, Landscape Architects for US Technical Team
  • Planning & Design Award, Indiana ASLA, Louisville Olmsted Parkways Multi-Modal Plan, Inter-disciplinary team lead HNTB, Heritage Landscapes, Preservation Landscape Architects


  • Award of Excellence, Longue Vue House & Gardens Landscape Renewal Plan for Katrina Recovery, with the Garden Conservancy, Bayou Tree Service, Nature Station, for Longue Vue, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Honor Award, Longue Vue House & Gardens Landscape Renewal Plan for Katrina Recovery, with the Garden Conservancy, Bayou Tree Service, Nature Station, for Longue Vue, Connecticut Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Honor Award, Camp Hill Cultural Landscape Report, for Harpers Ferry National Historic Park and National Capitol Region, National Park Service, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Mellon Square Preservation, Interpretation & Management Plan, team leader with RSA Associates, Grenald Waldron, Neil Silberman for Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA, with TCLF, Pittsburgh Downtown Partnership, PHLF, City of Pittsburgh, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Mount Hope Cemetery Cultural Landscape Report & Tree Management Plan, with Wendel Inc. for City of Rochester, Friends of Mount Hope Cemetery, NY Upstate Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Historic Preservation Award, Riverview Park Chapel Shelter and Landscape, with LDA Architects, for Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Pittsburgh Historic Review Commission Awards Program


  • Honor Award for Research, New York Botanical Garden Cultural Landscape Report: Landscape History, NYBG, Bronx, NY, Connecticut Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Honor Award, Virginia State Capitol Restoration and Expansion, interdisciplinary team leader George Skarmeas, PhD, AIA with Heritage Landscapes, National Trust for Historic Preservation
  • Project Achievement Award, Virginia State Capitol Restoration & Expansion, interdisciplinary team leader George Skarmeas, PhD, AIA, National Construction Management Association of America
  • Best Institutional Project of the Year, interdisciplinary team leader George Skarmeas, PhD, AIA, Virginia State Capitol Restoration & Expansion, Greater Richmond Association for Commercial Real Estate
  • Lincoln Cottage and Robert H. Smith Visitor Education Center, Restoration Project of the Year, team leader George Skarmeas, PhD, AIA, Mid-Atlantic Construction, Best of 2008 Awards
  • Merit Award, Vermont ASLA-AIA Vermont-NNECAPA-ASCE Vermont sponsors, Tree Allée Replanting Program Planning & Implementation, Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, VT, Vermont Public Space Awards


  • Cuban National Award for Architectural Preservation, Finca Vigia, Ernest Hemingway Property, US-Cuba Technical Team, Havana, Cuba, Cuban Government Award
  • Honor Award, Planning, Historic Mount Zion Neighborhood Cultural Landscape Report, Town of Somers, NY, VERMONT Chapter, ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Planning, Lockwood House Cultural Landscape Report, National Park Service, Harpers Ferry, WV, VERMONT Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Planning, Childs Park Cultural Landscape Report, National Park Service, Scenic Delaware Region, PA, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Vermont ASLA-AIA Vermont-NNECAPA-ASCE Vermont sponsors, Shelburne House Precinct Gardens & Landscape Stewardship Plan, Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, VT, Vermont Public Space Awards


  • Mayor’s Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation, Tregaron Estate, Tregaron Ltd. Partnership Design and Preservation Team, Miller Hull Architects, Tregaron Conservancy, Washington International School, Washington, DC
  • New Jersey Historic Preservation Award, Hopewell Township, NJ, Design Guidelines, Historic Landscape Guidelines, lead PDP Architects with Heritage Landscapes, New Jersey DEP, Historic Preservation Office


  • Merit Award for Communication, Sunnyside Landscape Master Plan for Historic Hudson Valley, Tarrytown, NY, Connecticut Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Preservation Award, Highland Park Welcome Entry Rehabilitation for Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA, Pittsburgh History & Landmarks
  • Merit Award, Design, Highland Park Welcome Entry Fountain and Gardens, Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Design, Camden Grounds, Harbor Park, Garden Amphitheatre, Camden Public Library, Camden, ME, VERMONT Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Honor Award, Planning & Analysis, Sunnyside Landscape Master Plan for Historic Hudson Valley, Tarrytown, NY, VERMONT Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Planning & Analysis, Garfield Park Cultural Landscape Report, Friends of    Garfield Park, Indianapolis, IN, VERMONT Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Honor Award, Planning & Analysis, Marshlands Conservancy and Jay Property Cultural Landscape Report, Westchester County, NY, Planning Department, Rye, NY, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • 2005 Preservation Project Award, Druid Hill Park Conservatory Palmhouse & Greenhouses Rehabilitation, for Baltimore Public Works & Recreation & Parks, Baltimore, MD, Baltimore Heritage


  • Honor Award Design, Inn at Biltmore, Award of Excellence in Design, lead Design Workshop with Heritage Landscapes, North Carolina Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • Excellence in Planning, Outstanding Community Initiative, Memorial, Lakeside & Sweeney Parks Cultural Landscape Reports, for Departments of Planning & Parks & Recreation, Fort Wayne, Indiana Planning Association
  • Honor Award Planning & Analysis, Memorial, Lakeside and Sweeney Parks, Cultural Landscape Reports, for Departments of Planning & Parks & Recreation, Fort Wayne, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Honor Award, Design, Oldfields Estate Landscape, Ravine Garden, House, Entry Gate, Wall, with Hillier Architecture for House, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Shelburne Farms Landscape Stewardship Plan, for Shelburne Farms, VT, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Honor Award, Planning & Analysis, Tudor Place Cultural Landscape Report: Phase 1 History, for Tudor Place Foundation, Georgetown, Washington, DC, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • Merit Award, for Shelburne Farms Landscape Stewardship Plan, for Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, Vermont Public Space Awards, Vermont ASLA-AIA Vermont-NNECAPA-ASCE Vermont sponsors, Best Project of 2002, Oldfields Estate Landscape, Oldfields Estate Landscape, Ravine Garden, House, Entry Gate, and Wall, with Hillier Architecture for House, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN, McGraw Hill Midwest Construction
  • Preservation Award, Schenley Park Visitor Center, for Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA, Pittsburgh History & Landmarks
  • Merit Award, Barringer Springs Rehabilitation, Cherokee Park, Environs RLA lead, for Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy, Louisville, Kentucky Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award for Outstanding Achievement in Historic Resources Additions to Historic West St. Mary’s Manor, St. Mary’s County, MD, Washington Chapter AIA


  • Preservation Award, Pittsburgh History & Landmarks, Frick Park Entry Rehabilitation, for Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, Pittsburgh, PA
  • President’s Award for Excellence, Jefferson’s Poplar Forest Historic Landscape Schematic Master Plan, for The Corporation for Poplar Forest, Forest, VA, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • President’s Award for Excellence, Bamboo Brook Historic Landscape Report, for Morris County Parks Commission, Morristown, NJ, Vermont Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • Honor Award, Taconic Parkway Corridor Management Plan, for New York State Department of Transportation, Region 8, Poughkeepsie, NY, Connecticut Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Rhode Island ASLA, Conanicut Battery Preservation & Vegetation Management Plans, for Conanicut Battery Friends, Jamestown Historical Society, Jamestown Planning, Jamestown, RI


  • Merit Award, Colonial Parkway Cultural Landscape Report, Part 1, for National Park Service, Colonial National Historic Park, Yorktown, VA, ASLA National Professional Awards


  • Merit Award, Colonial Parkway Cultural Landscape Report, Part 1, for National Park Service, Colonial National Historic Park, Yorktown, VA, Connecticut Chapter ASLA Professional Awards
  • Merit Award, Colonial Parkway Cultural Landscape Report, Part 1, for National Park Service, Colonial National Historic Park, Yorktown, VA, Boston Chapter ASLA Professional Awards


  • Honor Award, Seneca Park Master Plan, lead Environmental Design & Research, for Monroe County Parks, Rochester, New York Preservation League Awards Program


  • Honor Award, Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site Cultural Landscape Report Part 1, for National Park Service Northeast, ROVA, Hyde Park, NY, Connecticut Public Space Awards


  • Honor Award, Hartford Parks Master Plan, 31 city parks, interdisciplinary team lead, with PREview, David Schuyler, Noyes Vogt, Theodore Haskell, George Wheeler, Christopher Greene, for City of Hartford, Connecticut Public Space Awards
  • Honor Award, Downing Park Preservation, Renewal Plan, for Downing Park Alliance, Newburgh, NY, Connecticut Public Space Awards


  • Merit Award, Preservation & Scenic Conservation Master Plan, for Guilford Preservation League, Town of Guilford, CT, Connecticut Public Space Awards


  • Planning & Analysis Award, Guilford Preservation & Scenic Conservation Master Plan, for Guilford Preservation League, Town of Guilford, CT, ASLA National Professional Awards


Jackson Park Hayes Bridge Lagoon
Planting Fields Heather Garden
Niagara Falls Riverway Pond
Farrand at Yale Campus
National Mall Turf Reconstruction
2019 ASLA Firm Award
The Parks at Walter Reed New Urbanism
Niagara Falls State Park Riverway Design and Implementation
Planting Fields CLR and Implementation
Mellon Square Plaza and Fountain Restoration
UVA Jefferson's Academical Village CLR
Tudor Place Preservation Plan
North Overlook Iroquois Park
Mellon Square Renewal
Villa Vizcaya CLR and Implementation
1969 Woodstock Festival Cultural Landscape
UVA Jefferson's Academical Village